Vote for Laoco

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VersionMinecraft 1.17.1
Game Rank#314
Global Rank#423
Last Ping18 minutes ago
CountryFrance Servers France



Welcome to Laoco - Your Home in the Minecraft Universe!

Are you in search of a vibrant and welcoming Minecraft community to call your own? Look no further! Laoco is here to provide you with the ultimate Minecraft experience, where you can connect with fellow players, embark on exciting adventures, and forge lasting friendships.

A World of Possibilities: Step into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Our server offers a semi-vanilla survival experience, allowing you to immerse yourself in the true essence of Minecraft. Whether you're a seasoned builder, an avid explorer, or a master redstone engineer, Laoco provides the perfect canvas for you to unleash your imagination and create your own unique story.

Community First: At Laoco, we believe that a strong and supportive community is the heart and soul of any successful server. Our active and friendly player base, along with our dedicated staff team, ensures that you'll always have someone to collaborate with, seek advice from, or simply share a laugh. We foster an inclusive environment where everyone's contributions are valued and celebrated.

Safe and Secure: We understand the importance of maintaining a secure gaming environment. Our server is equipped with top-notch plugins that actively monitor and prevent griefing and theft. This means you can focus on building, exploring, and enjoying the game without the worry of your hard work being compromised.

Stay Troll-Free: We take pride in providing a troll-free environment for our players. Our greylist system ensures that only trusted individuals can join, keeping out those who seek to disrupt the harmony of our community. This way, you can play with peace of mind, knowing that you're surrounded by like-minded individuals who are here to have a great time.

Always Up-to-Date: Laoco is committed to staying at the forefront of Minecraft updates. We consistently update our server to ensure that you have access to the latest features, enhancements, and bug fixes. This way, you can fully enjoy all the wonders that Minecraft has to offer.

Come and join us at Laoco, where the possibilities are endless and the adventure never ends. Connect with our vibrant community, embark on thrilling quests, build stunning creations, and make memories that will last a lifetime. We can't wait to welcome you to our Minecraft family!

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