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Players0 / 64
VersionMinecraft 1.17.1
Game Rank#13
Global Rank#13
Last Ping5 minutes ago
CountryCanada Servers Canada

Age Of Elysian

Age Of Elysian

Welcome to Age Of Elysian!

Prepare yourself for an extraordinary Minecraft experience unlike any other. Age Of Elysian is a server that offers a plethora of exciting features and immersive gameplay elements that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. Get ready to embark on an epic adventure in our world of limitless possibilities.

Here's what awaits you in Age Of Elysian:

  • Slimefun: Discover the wonders of Slimefun, a plugin that introduces over 400 new items and game mechanics to enhance your gameplay. From super jumping slime boots to energy systems and nuclear reactors, Slimefun offers endless possibilities. For an enhanced visual experience, we provide a custom plugin resource pack for those using Optifine.

  • Towny: Build your own thriving town with the Towny plugin. Claim land, protect your builds from griefers, and create a vibrant community. Expand your town by inviting new members, collaborating on projects, and forging lasting friendships. The power to shape your own destiny is in your hands.

  • Dungeons & Bosses: Grab your friends and prepare for thrilling battles against custom mobs and challenging bosses. Venture into meticulously crafted dungeons and earn valuable loot and rewards. Work together as a team to overcome the toughest foes and emerge victorious.

  • mcMMO: Unlock your true potential and rank up your skills and abilities with the classic mcMMO plugin. Gain experience, master various skills, and become a force to be reckoned with in the world of Age Of Elysian.

  • Custom Battle System: Engage in intense PVP and team battles with our custom-built battle system. With customizable per-battle configurations and a wide selection of maps, you can tailor your battles to suit your preferences. Showcase your combat prowess and dominate the competition.

  • Ultra Hardcore World: Put your survival skills to the test in a separate world with a separate inventory. Experience the true essence of survival with no health regeneration and face real consequences for every death. Every decision matters as you fight for your survival.

  • Custom Parkour: Challenge yourself with our custom-built parkour levels designed to push your skills to the limit. Conquer the obstacles, showcase your agility, and earn exclusive rewards for your achievements.

  • Expansive Spawn Region: Our spawn region is a haven of secrets and surprises. Explore its vast expanse and uncover hidden treasures such as custom enchantments and unlockable pets that will aid you on your journey. There's always something new to discover.

And that's just the beginning! Age Of Elysian offers even more exciting features and adventures for you to explore. Join our thriving community, forge friendships, and immerse yourself in a world where imagination knows no bounds.

Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime. Join Age Of Elysian today and experience Minecraft like never before!