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IP Address142.44.170.97
Players0 / 100
VersionMinecraft 1.17.1
Game Rank#24
Global Rank#24
Last Ping25 minutes ago
CountryUnited States Servers United States

Welcome to, the ultimate destination for a grief-free, vanilla survival experience! Immerse yourself in a world where your creativity knows no bounds and embark on an adventure like no other.

Our server prides itself on providing a genuine vanilla survival environment, where players can build, explore, and thrive without the fear of griefers. Enjoy the freedom to express your creativity and construct magnificent structures that stand the test of time.

To enhance your gameplay, we have carefully selected a few plugins that bring additional features without compromising the essence of vanilla Minecraft. Discover the thrill of collecting player and mob heads, adding a personal touch to your adventures. Engage in a thriving economy and utilize shops located near spawn to trade and acquire valuable resources.

At, we believe in striking a balance between competition and camaraderie. While PvP is not against the rules, we strictly prohibit its abuse to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all. Our focus is on creating a friendly and supportive community where players can collaborate and foster friendships.

Getting started is simple. Type /wild to venture into uncharted territory, where you can claim your own piece of the world using a gold shovel. Keep inventory is enabled, providing you with peace of mind as you delve into exciting adventures and face formidable challenges.

Join us at and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned survivor or new to the realm of Minecraft, our server offers a welcoming community and an authentic vanilla survival experience. Stake your claim, unleash your creativity, and forge your own path. The journey awaits!