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VersionMinecraft 1.17
Game Rank#304
Global Rank#312
Last Ping16 minutes ago
CountryJapan Servers Japan

2b2t Japan

2b2t Japan

Welcome to 2b2t Japan, the ultimate Minecraft anarchy server where freedom reigns supreme! Step into a world where there are no rules, and you have the power to shape your own destiny within the server. Join us now and experience the true essence of unbridled creativity and unrestricted gameplay.

Our server supports a wide range of versions from 1.12.2 to 1.17.1, including the latest version. This means you can connect with your preferred Minecraft version without the need to switch or modify your client. Enjoy the latest features and enhancements or choose to explore the server using an older version, the choice is yours.

Within 2b2t Japan, you'll find two distinct worlds to explore: one in 1.12.2 and another in 1.17.1. If you crave the excitement of playing in the latest version, venture into the 1.17.1 world. On the other hand, if you prefer a more nostalgic experience, dive into the 1.12.2 world. Embrace the unique characteristics of each version and immerse yourself in the rich landscapes they offer.

Connect to our server at IP: and join our vibrant community of players. Engage in lively discussions, exchange ideas, and forge alliances on our Discord server, accessible at ( Connect with like-minded individuals, collaborate on projects, or simply share your latest creations with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts.

We are proud to have mamireimu Hosting Server as our sponsor, providing reliable hosting services for our server. Check out their offerings at ( and experience their top-notch service firsthand.

If you wish to support the server and contribute to its continuous improvement, consider making a donation at ( Your contributions help us maintain the server, introduce new features, and enhance the overall gameplay experience for our community.

Join 2b2t Japan today and unleash your creativity in an anarchic world where the possibilities are endless. Forge your own path, build magnificent structures, engage in epic battles, and leave your mark on this unbounded Minecraft adventure. Let your imagination soar and embrace the freedom that awaits you!

Server IP:
Discord: (
Sponsor: mamireimu Hosting Server (
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